using keyword search
Sometimes you have a specific place in mind that you want to find quickly. Maybe you remember the whole trail name, just a part of the trail name, or something unique you know is there. You can use the Keywords search bar to help find that trail! Here are some tips:
use quotes
If you know the full trail name, use quotes to search for the complete phrase, for example: "Duck Creek Parkway Trail" which brings you straight there! If you don't use quotes, our site searches for each word independently; in this example, you'll find over 100 options because the term Trail is quite popular on our site! Try searching just "Duck Creek" and you'll find a nice group of trails that connect to the Parkway Trail.
Search your interests
Have a particular interest? Try searching for it and see if the word or phrase is included in any trails in the region. Take the word historic, for example. You'll find over 30 trails or associated features that our partners have used the word historic to describe. Click on a map pin or a trail description below the map to learn more, and see what catches your eye!
Be specific, but not too specific
If you've used any of the search parameters in addition to the keyword search, our site will find you trails that fit all of the criteria. Don't be surprised if you've been a bit too specific and the search returns no results. You can always use the Reset Search option (under the orange Search button) to start afresh.
For more information
Check out our Search Basics page. Have fun – your exploration starts here!