Trails offer perfect opportunities for Quad Cities' residents and visitors to explore and move. The simplicity of getting out and walking or riding a bike opens trail experiences to all members of the community, regardless of age or ability. From walking the dog to cross country skiing, Quad Cities area trails offer year-round experiences to be active in an informal setting. Trails in the Quad Cities offer diverse opportunities for recreation and offer some spectacular views of the area. Many Quad Cities trails are relatively flat, allowing for family-friendly walks or rides, doubling as active transportation routes for commuters choosing to get a workout while going to and from work or school.
Qc trail Groups
There are various Quad Cities Trail Groups that provide an avenue to explore trails with like-minded groups and organizations. There are opportunities for moderate “family-friendly” walks with small groups, as well as larger more strenuous trails that may be more appropriate for more dedicated trail enthusiasts and athletes. For instance, the American Discovery Trail crosses both the state of Iowa and Illinois and extends a length of 57.3 miles, whereas the Centennial Park Trail is a brisk 0.6 miles that extends through Centennial Park in Davenport, Iowa.
Bi-State Regional Trail Committee (Multi-Purpose Trails Planning) • https://bistateonline.org/transportation-and-mobility/regional-trails-system
Quad Cities Bicycle Club • http://www.qcbc.org/
Maps • https://www.qcbc.org/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=505193&module_id=337719
Events • https://www.qcbc.org/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=505193&module_id=317677
Friends of Off Road Cycling (FORC) • http://www.qcforc.org/
Maps • http://www.qcforc.org/content.php?190-quad-cities-area-mountain-bike-trails
River Action • http://www.riveraction.org/
Quad Cities Wild Places • http://qcwildplaces.com/
Let’s Move Quad Cities • http://letsmoveqc.com/
Ride Illinois • http://rideillinois.org/
Iowa National Heritage Foundation • http://www.inhf.org/iowa-trails.cfm
Great River Trail • http://greatrivertrail.org/
Mississippi River Trail • https://rideillinois.org/maps/mississippi-river-trail-guide/
American Discovery Trail • http://discoverytrail.org/
Grand Illinois Trail • https://dnr.illinois.gov/recreation/greenwaysandtrails/grandillinoistrail.html
Hennepin Canal Parkway Trail • https://dnr.illinois.gov/parks/park.hennepincanal.html
Cody Trail • http://www.scottcountyiowa.com/conservation/buffalo-bill-cody-homestead/cody-trail
Illinois Department of Natural Resources • https://dnr.illinois.gov/
Greenways and Trails • https://dnr.illinois.gov/recreation/greenwaysandtrails.html
Hiking • https://dnr.illinois.gov/recreation/hiking.html
Biking • https://dnr.illinois.gov/recreation/biking.html
Canoe/Kayaking • https://dnr.illinois.gov/recreation/canoekayak.html
Cross Country/Skiing • https://dnr.illinois.gov/recreation/xcountryski.html
Horseback Riding • https://dnr.illinois.gov/recreation/horsebackriding.html
Iowa Department of Natural Resources • http://www.iowadnr.gov
Hiking/Biking Trails • http://www.iowadnr.gov/Things-to-Do/Hiking-Biking
Canoe/Kayaking • http://www.iowadnr.gov/Things-to-Do/Canoeing-Kayaking
Equestrian • http://www.iowadnr.gov/Things-to-Do/Equestrian
Iowa Trails 2000 • https://publications.iowa.gov/10739/1/connecting_people_trails_handbook.pdf
TrailLink.com • https://www.traillink.com/
AllTrails.com • http://www.alltrails.com