Show Connector Trails
Trailhead Information
The sidewalk can be accessed from the Mississippi River Trail (MRT) or from downtown Bettendorf. There is also parking at the adjacent Isle of Capri Casino and hotel.
This 0.2 mile sidewalk is part of a network of multi-use trails, paths, and on-road facilities in Bettendorf, IA. It runs parallel to George Thuenen Drive (17th St.) and connects State St. in downtown Bettendorf to the Mississippi River Trail. Most of this 6-foot sidewalk is a bridge crossing over railroad tracks. A concrete barrier separates the sidewalk from the road. Walking, running, and biking with caution are possible.
The 13-mile paved Mississippi River Trail (MRT-IA) runs through the Iowa Quad Cities and follows the majestic Mississippi. It begins at Credit Island Park in Davenport and continues through charming neighborhoods, historic villages, and beautiful riverfront parks in Bettendorf and Riverdale.
Other Information
The following rules apply to all persons using the recreation trails within Bettendorf city limits:
- Bicycle riders shall ride single file on the right. They shall pass only on the left and sound a warning upon approach and pass of other users of the trails. The speed limit for any recreation trail is 15 miles per hour.
- Walkers shall walk no more than 2 abreast.
- Dogs shall be leashed and positioned to walk on the grass.
- No person shall stop or stand on the path to visit. Baby strollers may be parked on the area adjacent to the path.
Trail Manager
Visit the City of Bettendorf Parks and Facilities Department online for more information or contact:

City of Bettendorf, Iowa
Parks and Recreation
Bettendorf City Hall
1609 State Street
Bettendorf, IA 52722
Phone: (563) 344-4113
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